ReFueling the Future

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How will our future be decided?


The purpose of this project is to get acquainted with the current state of our energy supply system, understand how it works, and evaluate options for transforming it..


The unit sub-guiding questions you will pursue:

  • What is the state of our energy supply system?
  • How does Earth produce and consume energy?
  • How do humans produce and consume energy?
  • What are the alternatives to our energy supply system?

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A very special thank you to Greenbacker Capital, who is passionately committed to sustainability, to increasing the collective capacity of renewable energy, and to increasing the awareness of the economic benefits of sustainable infrastructure. Greenbacker is also committed to playing our part in the business ecosystem as a socially responsible and transparently governed organization that is a great place to work.

Course Units

What is the state of our energy supply system?

How does Earth produce and consume energy?

How do humans produce and consume energy?

What are the alternatives to our energy supply system?

Where does your energy come from?

How much energy do you consume?

What is the future of our energy supply system?

How do you make an argument for renewable energy?

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