Global Peace

Global Peace: An integrated, project-based high school class

What is peace? What is violence? What does peace look like in your community? How does peace generate peace around the world? Why are there so many stories of nonviolent peace movements? These questions guide the Global Peace course, which is centered around the study of Gandhi’s four principles of nonviolence.

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You Are Beautiful

You Are Beautiful: An integrated, project-based high school class

Why is it important for art to be accessible? How does public art spark human interaction? How does art go viral? Students will examine the history of public art and its ability to transform spaces and connect people on a worldwide scale in the You Are Beautiful course. Inspired by case studies of successful public…

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Systems & Models

Systems & Models: An integrated, project-based high school class

To what extent are you unique as an individual, and how do you function within the larger framework of an organization such as your school, place of worship, or job? In Systems and Models, you will explore breakthroughs in psychology; you will use the scientific method to design and carry out your own experiment; and…

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Social Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship: An integrated, project-based high school class

Prerequisite understanding of economics and systems thinking serves as the foundation to envision and plan a business venture which you may passionately and realistically pursue. Fueling your inspiration are weekly workshops with successful entrepreneurs. The course guides you through core concepts of entrepreneurship, and then demands that you write and pitch your own business plan.

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Econ: Risking Value

Economics: An integrated, project-based high school class

We live in a world of limited resources, but our wants and needs are unlimited. Amid scarcity, choices are made. In this course, you will explore the value of a college education and plan your financial future using principles of economics and personal finance, statistics, and probability. You will read case studies and visit financial…

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