History Through Art @ DePaul Art Museum


Unit 2 of Rhetoric is focused on rhetoric that unites, and the students have studied speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., President Barack Obama, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Students have also been practicing evaluating other media, specifically visual art, for rhetorical devices. Studying different kinds of texts has been eliciting insights and critical thinking and allows students to practice the concepts in new ways. There are two exhibitions at DPAM of political art and we will receive a tour of the museum from Director, Louise Lincoln.


Students will complete an FE Guide at the museum on the rhetorical elements they identified in the political art, and how these work to unite an audience. This will also hopefully help inspire students as they compose their own political messages.


We have been practicing identifying elements in both print and visual texts, and are ready to extend our learning into the two political art exhibits at DPAM.