Investigative Reporting @ Invisible Institute


The Invisible Institute is a journalistic organization operating on the city’s south side that seeks to not only report news, but also to inspire dialogue. In this sense, it is firmly rooted in the democratic function of journalism, and focuses on investigative reporting that seeks to affect real change in the social and political spheres of Chicago, especially in the areas of police misconduct and corruption. Mr. Kalven has been an expert in the field for decades, and has most recently been producing video testimonies by Chicago youth who’ve experienced racist police tactics as a regular part of life.


Students will take notes and ask questions during the site visit with Mr. Kalven. Prior to the FE, students will have explored the Invisible Institute’s website and a recent article on the killing of a young black male by police in Chicago, and responded to a set of questions about both. This information will contextualize the experience for students and catalyze questions and discussion during the visit.